No hurricanes, no snow, just food, feathers, fur, flowers, and fun

Pins & Needles will be available for sale in three days at its book launch in the historic part of Clearwater, Minnesota, downtown at the United Methodist Church on Main Street. (Thank you, Clearwater History Club for the lovely link you started.)

This is the tentative schedule…


From 12:30 or so until 1ish–music by son #1 and his wonderful guitar, food, and conversation

1:00–Introductions by son #2 and my blather for a few minutes, some hardy conversation about Maude Porter and Clearwater, a short style show, contest for prizes, and the cutting of the cake!

2:00’ish –book signing

3:00’ish walking-talking tour of my books described in historic Clearwater

Want a better chance on winning a prize at the book launch of Pins & Needles?  A Google search for the United States and world period of 1909-1910 might help. Also, check out one of my blogs  on my webpage, 

  1. What were some of the issues of the day and the future?
  2. What does WCTU stand for?What does the Edwardian period in clothing trends stand for?
  3. What does this mean for women’s styles?
  4. And most of all, what were the latest inventions or trends to hit the world and Clearwater?
  5. Which amendments were ratified before or around 1920 that changed the country?  (A hint:  one was reversed in the 1930’s.)    ……………………………………………………………
  6. For those from the Clearwater area and/or have read my history, memoir, and Scruples & Drams, name some of the founders of Clearwater.
  7. The protagonist of Pins & Needles, Maude Porter,  was the child of a husband and wife team of founders.  Name one thing for which each person was known around the village.  There are a number of them ….
  8. One founder was a brother to a famous Minneapolis founder.

I hope to see you there for this fun and frolicking day to celebrate the Pins & Needles launch into the world.